
Fettle Studio / Sanger Drive, Guildford

Loft extension to an existing family home in Send, Guildford, to provide a master bedroom, en-suite and home working space.

Generous space has been created in the loft by lifting the ridge of the existing property and adding three dormer windows. The proposed massing of these extensions was carefully considered to reflect the historic and contemporary built character in the local area, to be of an appropriate scale to suit the existing building, and to limit overlooking of adjacent properties - all of which was praised by planners.

Planning approval was granted in February 2020, and has been taken forward by the client to construction - completed photos coming soon!

Evolution of the new roof design for planning

Existing and proposed street elevations
Existing house prior to works

Image curtesy of Send & Ripley History Society website

Fettle Studio Limited - a registered company in England & Wales.
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