
Fettle Studio / Gainsborough Road, Ringwood

Collage image showing proposed porch, pergola & new cladding
A contemporary porch extension and new cladding for a detatched bungalow in Ashley Heath, Ringwood, on the edge of the New Forest.

The existing property was sufferiing from a recessed entrance, dark tiled facade and tired brickwork. The client wanted a brighter, lighter, more contemporary aesthetic, and opportunity to allow vertical planting to enliven the approach.

The entrance is now clearly announced with a new glazed porch and open pergola extension, with new cladding, white render and dark defined window frames.

Planning permission was awarded in September 2021 for the porch, cladding and extended pergola.

Initial interior sketch

Initial planted pergola concept

Existing property

Fettle Studio Limited - a registered company in England & Wales.
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